University computing resources and accounts are to be used only for the purpose of the Universitys educational, research and administrative activities unless otherwise authorized. All access to Faculty and Departmental computer system must be approved by the Deans, Directors or authorized representatives.
Users may not use computing resources for any commercial purpose or any non-university related activities without prior written authorization of the respective persons stated above.
The accounts given by the university must not be used by others without permission from either the computing services(CITS) or the faculty or the department which granted the account. Users are individually responsible for safeguarding their accounts, including proper password protection and appropriate use of Internet resources. The account password is encouraged to be changed at least once per trimester, particularly if someone may have seen the password being entered. Users will be accountable for any actions taken by anyone using their account.
University programs and files are confidential, unless they have been explicitly (either written approval or security systems) made available to the others. Users should refrain from accessing or copying other users' programs, files, data or documents unless with permission from the owner to do so. CITS reserves the right to access users files when necessary for the maintenance of computing systems, or during investigations of serious matters.
The University's computing resource should not be used to intimidate or create an atmosphere of harrasment based upon gender, race, religion, ethnic origin, creed, or sexual orientation. Fraudulent, threatening, or obscene email or graphical displays used to harass or intimidate are prohibited. Chain letters, mass mailings, and repeated sending of email after being requested to stop are also prohibited.
Users must comply with the provisions of current Malaysia law relating to pornography and pornographic materials in any form. Accessing local or international sites to obtain obscene and/or pornographic files, pictures, movies, captions or others are considered intentional and are subject to disciplinary action by the University and other enforcement agencies.
No one should run or install on any computer system or network, or giving to another user, a program intended to damage or to place excessive load on a computer system or network. This includes but is not limited to computer viruses, Trojan horses, worms or password cracking programs.
No one should deliberately attempt to circumvent data protection schemes or uncover security loopholes, to damage any computing systems, obtain extra computing resources, take resources from another user, gain access to computing systems, or use computing systems for which proper authorization has not been given.
Users are prohibited from copying software illegally and possessing illegal copies of software, whether for course, job related or private use. Users also not allowed to install, alter or delete any software program from the Universitys computer unless with authorization from the Deans, Directors or authorized representative. Any violations of this policy or of Copyright law are the personal responsibility of the user.
Computing resources must be shared among users in an equitable manner. The user may not participate in any behavior that deliberately wastes computing resources. The activities include but are not limited to playing games for recreation or idle computer chatting when another user needs the resource for more important activities, exceeding established disk space, time or other allocations, intentionally running programs that attempt to execute endless loops, printing large jobs during periods of heavy computer use,or printing multiple copies of a document.
Users may not attempt to tamper with Universitys computers, computer systems, networks, facilities, equipment, software, files, documentation, accounts, or information associated with any of them. Users should report any damages of the computer resources either to the CITS or Directors or Deans.
Any activities that intentionally obscure or forge the date, time, physical source, logical source or other header information of a message or transaction are prohibited. These include forging email and masking identification information for amusement, personal gain or any reasons.
University computing resources and accounts may not be used in connection with activities prohibited by any applicable Multimedia University policy or any applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or orders of any public authority having jurisdiction including, without limitation, those concerning: trademark, commerce, computer usage, conspiracy, telecommunications, defamation, forgery, obscenity and privacy.
Transmitting copyrighted software or other copyrighted material over the network without authorisation is prohibited.
The use of the electronic mail system is reserved solely for the conduct of business at the university. It may not be used for personal business.
Email should be retrieved regularly, at least once per day.
The electronic mail system may not be used to solicit or proselytise for commercial ventures, religious or political causes, outside organisations, or other non-job-related solicitations.
The use of the university e-mail network for sending or storing messages which are harassing, obscene or fraudulent is prohibited.
The university reserves and intends to exercise the right to review, audit, intercept, access and disclose all messages created, received or sent over the electronic mail system for any purpose. The contents of electronic mail properly obtained for legitimate business purposes, may be disclosed within the university without the permission of the user.
Users shall not use a code, access a file, or retrieve any stored information, unless authorised to do so.
Users should not attempt to gain access to another user's messages without the latter's permission.
Any users who discover a violation of this policy shall disclose the name of the person involved to
Wilfully or maliciously degrading the performance of the network is prohibited. All e-mail correspondence which exceeds the capacity of the mailbox (2 MB) will be deleted without notice.
Faculty and staff who are taking extended vacation must notify, in writing, the Centre for Information Technology Services (CITS) to "hold" or "redirect" their mail
All undeliverable e-mail will be removed and purged by the E-mail System Administrator.
E-mail software, the network, and all hardware are subject to inspection without notice by authorised staff, representatives, or agents of CITS
Users will be responsible for e-mail transmitted under their ID's.
This policy is subject to change at any time without prior notice.
All new application for network connection must go through CITS by sending a formal letter to CITS.
Illegal wiring of network cabling connection is prohibited. If a user is found to be involved in illegal wiring, his/her network connection will be disconnected by CITS without any notice. No support will be given to the user.
Users are not allowed to change the face plate (UTP port) information.
Users are not allowed to directly disconnect/connect UTP cables at any port in the network equipment rack without CITS permission.
Swapping the UTP cable with other users without approval from CITS is strictly prohibited.
Vandalism of UTP port, category 5 UTP cable or network equipment racks and the equipment is prohibited.
This policy is subject to change without any prior notice.
Users are not allowed to change/alter the IP address given to their PC. If a user has been detected to reconfigure his/her IP address without notifying , the users email services will be suspended for at least 1 week.
If a user is transferred/moved to a different floor/building/faculty/department, the person should notify for the IP changes.
Users who resign or are going on study leave should notify to transfer the IP ownership.
Any request for temporary IP address either for research/events can be done by sending email to and the required duration must be stated.
Users/hosts in MMU must use the private IP address (10.100.x.x for Cyberjaya campus) assigned to them.
Users who are still using the registered IP address (202.185.x.x) without staff_admin approval will be disconnected from MMUs network Email, Internet, telnet and ftp services will not be provided to them.
Any users who require a permanent registered IP address for a server should fill up a form and send it to .
Any servers that have been granted a permanent registered IP address should take necessary system security measures.
Registered IP addresses given cannot be used to broadcast/provide services of personal interest. ie: running personal webserver, broadcast personal radio station, etc.
Users are prohibited to change their Personal Computer to be a server with the IP address given to them. If a user has been detected to reconfigure his/her PC to be a server without notifying , the user's PC will be disconnected from MMU's network.
This policy is subject to change at any time without prior notice.
Your computer name must be the same as your email id.
Those who resign or are going on study leave, please inform to transfer your DNS ownership.
You are not allowed to change your computer name without any prior notice from
Once your email id has been created, its DNS entry will be automatically updated in the DNS server.
Any computers (for lab/research/meeting room/lecture hall/special events/library/general purposes) connected to MMU network should be registered to
This policy is subject to change at any time without prior notice.
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol or DHCP server is used to serve the users in the Hostel buildings, F1, F2, F3 and F4.
There are 2 categories of users : students and HEP staff.
DHCP server is implemented because the students are not permanent in the hostels and they do not have to configure their PCs.
Currently the DHCP server only serves vlan18 for all 4 buildings.
Requesting New Connection
To have a network connection in hostel rooms, student has to fill in an application form.
The MAC (Ethernet) address of the network card MUST be specified in this form.
Those who do not have UTP cable, a deposit of RM10 has to be paid before the cable is patched to the hub.
Students must put their email ID for their computer name. This is for identification purposes.
Users are responsible for the security of their own PC.
Due to some limitations, intermittent interruptions to the services are expected.
No static IP address should be used in the Hostel buildings.
General computing rules apply.
Failure to adhere to these basic rules will result in one or all of the following:
Login account to be suspended for 2 weeks Disciplinary action by the HEP Temporary suspension of network connection in the hostel room
Permanent termination of network connection in the hostel room
This policy is subject to change without prior notice.
University computing facilities are provided solely for the Universitys educational, research and administrative activities unless otherwise authorized.
Users are allowed access into the computer labs only with MMU ID. Access is restricted to students and staff. Others may access with written authorization from the Deans, Directors or authorized representatives.
Proper attire must be observed in the computer labs. Users are not allowed to wear shorts, mini skirts, sleeveless shirts or slippers while in the computer labs. The Lab Assistants are authorized to prohibit users from entering the lab if the users do not adhere to this rule.
Users should refrain from using any vulgar, distasteful or derogatory language in messages transmitted by electronic mail or interactive sessions. The Lab Assistants are authorized to ask users to leave the lab if the users do not comply with the rules.
Food, drinks and smoking are strictly prohibited in the computer labs.
Users must follow normal standards of computer utilization policies in the use of the computing resources. Recreational use such as Internet and email may be tolerated so long as it does not interfere with the management, operation or availability of the resource for its intended educational purposes.
No person shall deliberately or recklessly impair or undermine the usability or performance of computing facilities, the network, system programs, software or other stored information or data. Typical deliberate and reckless actions include but are not restricted to:
Boot-up the PC from a floppy diskette
Adding computer peripherals
Changing the PC configuration of the CPU, monitor, operating system and etc.
Removing or relocating computing facilities
Printing personal items
Infecting the computing facilities with computer viruses
Deleting or modifying any file/files or directory/directories installed
Adding new files into a directory which are not related to the directory
Providing any form of information to any person outside Multimedia University with or without the intention to undermine the integrity of the facilities.
Lab software that is copyrighted may not be copied. Students may not install, alter or delete any software program or utility on any computer lab.
In the event of any problems with the software or equipment, the Lab Staff should be notified immediately. Users should not tamper with the computer hardware in any way.
Users are responsible for the use and security of their usernames and passwords. Computer accounts are for individual use and should be used only for the purposes for which they are intended.
Users must respect the privacy of others by refraining from accessing their files and/or electronic mail.
Computers are available on a first-come first-served basis. Computers may not be saved or reserved in advance for individual use. The staff are authorized to make any computer unattended for more than fifteen minutes available to another user and remove all materials left in the lab.
The University reserves the right to inspect the content of all the diskette and/or any other storage media, at any time.
Files may be saved in the hard drives on the Lab computers at the users own risk. Saved files will be periodically deleted without notice. Files should always be backed up by floppy disks.
The Lab computers have virus protection software and will give an alert if an infected disk is inserted into the floppy drive. If this problem happens, please refer to the Lab Assistance as soon as possible. It is highly recommended that all users install virus protection software on their personal computers to avoid the spread of viruses.
Users must comply with the provisions of current Malaysia laws relating to pornography and pornographic materials in any form. Actions including but not restricted to "accessing local or international sites to obtain obscene and/or pornographic files, pictures, movies, captions or others are considered INTENTIONAL" are subject to disciplinary actions by the University and other enforcement agencies.
Users are not allowed to play any form of COMPUTER GAMES from any source, either hard disk, floppy, INTERNET, etc at any time.
The staff will not be responsible for any losses, damages or misplacement of users belongings in the computer labs.
Users must comply with any additional restrictions relating to the use of particular computing facilities.
User may not use computing resources for any illegal or unauthorized act. Violations or abuse of any policies, rules and regulations, equipment, or labs will be reported to the Director of the CITS or the respective authority and may result in suspension or revocation of users lab privileges. The University's decision regarding the rules and regulations shall be final.