Academic and research collaboration in multimedia studies - Bell Laboratories Visiting Professor Programme at MMU.
Joint R&D via the placement of MMU researchers at Bell Laboratories.
To deliver university-level courses, focusing in Wireless Communications, Internet and Data Networking and Very Large Scale Integration Microelectronics
To conduct supplementary specialised short courses or seminars on the latest data communications issues and state-of ?the-art multimedia technology for learning and research to students and general public.
To promote and strengthen relationships between MMU and Lucent Technologies.
To supervise postgraduate research projects and conduct research collaboration between MMU and Lucent Technologies
To identify potential R&D areas for collaborative research between MMU and Lucent.
Postgraduate Research Projects (MEng. Sc. and Ph.D.)
Postgraduate Master Taught Courses (MEng.)
Detailed Description:
Lucent?s support to MMU fulfils a promise made to Prime Minister, academic co-operation called the "Bell Labs Visiting Professorship Programme". Lucent, the 100th company to be awarded MSC status, will provide MMU with visiting professors from its world famous research and development arm, Bell Laboratories to deliver university-level courses to MMU students. Specialised short courses and seminars open to students and the general public will supplement these courses. All courses offered will be jointly developed with Lucent and approved by the MMU Dean of Engineering.
Lucent determines to help transform the MSC?s vision into a practical reality for Malaysia and looks forward to playing a prominent role in society by enhancing and expanding Malaysia?s pool of technical expertise talents and cultivate a new generation of world-class, multimedia engineers. This is an effective Industry-Academic Relationship to support human resource development. This programme encompasses the following areas:
Bell Laboratories Visiting Professorship
Research projects with researchers and postgraduate students
Preparing Master of Engineering taught course syllabus as well as lecturing
MMU has benefited in the following aspects:
Preparation of teaching materials for three subjects for Master of Engineering (Telecommunications) course.
Subject: ETM 7012 Transmission and Switching Systems
Teaching staff: Dr. N. D. Prabhakar
Subject: ETM 7022 High Speed and Broadband Networks
Teaching staff: Dr. N. D. Prabhakar
Subject: ETM 7032 Mobile and Personal Communication Networks
Teaching staff: Dr. Karim
Seminar presentations to students, staff and general public, under the Bell Labs Visiting Professorship Programme
29 July 2000: Wireless ATM. Dr. Muhammad Rez Karim, LucentTechnologies, U.S.A.
26 July 2000: Switched Multimedia Services. Dr. Muhammad Rez Karim, Lucent Technologies, U.S.A.
7 June 2000: A Sample of R&D on Communications Topics at Lucent Technologies. Dr. N. D. Prabhakar, Bell Labs Visiting Fellow, Lucent Technologies, U.S.A.
17 September 1999: What's Next for the Internet. Dr. Joann J. Ordille and Wireless Communication Evolution. Dr. Chris Nicol, scientists from Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, U.S.A.
24 February 1999: Patents and Intellectual Property Rights. Prof. Dr. Narayan Gehlot, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies / Faculty of Engineering.
16 December 1998: Passive Optical Networks. Prof. Dr. Narayan Gehlot, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies / Faculty of Engineering
10 December 1998: Research Activities at Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs ? An Overview. Prof. Dr. Narayan Gehlot, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies / Faculty of Engineering.
21 - 23 October 1998: High Speed Internet: Issues & Solutions (Bell Labs Course Series). Dr. Zhensheng Zhang, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, U.S.A.
January 1998: Mobile IP. Dr. M. C. Chuah, Lucent Technologies, U.S. A.
Research collaboration with researchers and postgraduate students from MMU:
Tan Wee Lum
Regionalized Mobility Management for Mobile IP (Research collaboration with Dr. Chuah Mooi Choo, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies Inc.)
Yew Chang Ching
Scalable Video Multicast over Integrated Services Packet Network (Research collaboration with Dr. Chuah Mooi Choo, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies Inc.)
Hezerul Abdul Karim
Video Frame Rate Up-conversion using Frame Interpolation (Research collaboration with Kyeong Ho Yang, Member of Technical Staff, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies Inc.)
Internship with Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies Inc. for academic staff from MMU.
Tan Wee Lum
Title: (1) Aggregating RSVP-Based QoS Requests over IP Tunnels
(2) Wireless Link Emulator
(3) RTP/UDP/IP Header Compression
Period: 1 October 1999 - March 2000 (six months)
Hezerul Abdul Karim
Title: Video Frame Rate Up-conversion using Frame Interpolation
Averaging algorithm
Motion adaptive algorithm
Full search algorithm
Full search + selective algorithm
Period: 1 October 1999 - March 2000 (six months)
Hairul Azhar Abdul Rashid
Title: Peer-to-peer All-optical Network Signalling using Low Frequency Sub-carrier Multiplexing Technique
Hezerul Abdul Karim, K. H. Yang, Rosli Besar, M.U. Siddiqi (2000, October 16 - 19). Video Frame Rate Up-conversion of 5 to 10 Frames Per Second Using Frame Interpolation.International Conference on Signal Processing & Technology (ICSPAT 2000), Texas, U.S.A.
Tan Wee Lum, Chuah Hean Teik, Chuah Mooi Choo (1999, September 14 - 16). A Regionalized Mobility Management Approach to Mobile IP. International Conference on Computer Communication 1999, Tokyo, Japan.
Degree Conferred
1999: MEngSc. degree conferred to Tan Wee Lum.
Type of Collaboration:
Academic and research collaboration through Alcatel Visiting Staff Programme
Setting up of Alcatel Multimedia Laboratory at MMU
To provide visiting professors to deliver university level courses of instruction, concentrating in broad area of telecommunication and multimedia.
To provide scholarships to undergraduates and postgraduate students.
To promote and strengthen ties between MMU and Alcatel.
To sponsor research collaborations between MMU and Alcatel.
To sponsor the setting up of a laboratory for students and researchers to access the state-of-the-art facilities for learning and research, particularly in the area of multimedia and Network Technologies, such as ATM.
To identify potential short courses, which can be scheduled by mutual agreement throughout the academic year.
Setting up of an Alcatel Multimedia Laboratory.
Sponsorship of Alcatel Visiting Staff to MMU for teaching and research activities.
Sponsorship of Postgraduate and Undergraduate Programmes.
Research collaboration in the areas of telecommunications and multimedia
Detailed Description:
Alcatel and MMU signed a Co-operation Agreement on 1 October 1998 and as such, Visiting Staff Members will be stationed at MMU for teaching and research activities. An Alcatel Multimedia Laboratory will also be set up to provide students and researchers with a state-of-the-art facilities, such as an ATM network for research in the area of telecommunications.
To date, MMU has benefited in the following aspects:
Academic Staff
Dr. Abbou Fouad Mohammed (Alcatel Visiting fellow, since March 2001).
Preparation of teaching materials and lecturing for undergraduate courses, Master of Engineering (Telecommunications) courses and supervision of students
Alcatel is involved in the following research projects:
Project I: Analysis and Design of an Arrayed Waveguide Grating Multi-demultiplexer for DWDM Optical Networks.
Research Funding : RM158,000
Sponsored by IRPA (Intensification of Research in Priority Areas, Malaysia)
Project II: Performance Analysis and Design of Optical WDM-OTDM Transmission System and Network
Research Funding : RM200,000
Sponsored by IRPA (Intensification of Research in Priority Areas, Malaysia)
Short courses
January 2002: Optical Transmissions. PSDC, Penang by Dr. Abbou Fouad Mohammed.
February 2001: Introduction to Digital Data Communications & Telecom Networks. Flextronics, Malacca by Mr, Lionel Basso.
March 2001: TCP/IP, ATM, PPP, PPP over ATM & PPP over SDH. Intel, Penang by Mr. Lionel Basso.
January 2000: Interface Buses. National Semiconductor, Malacca by Mr. Nicholas Taillade.
Masters courses
Subject: ETM 7122 Optical Communications
Teaching staff: Dr. Abbou Fouad Mohammed (2001-2002)
Subject: ETM 7062 Software and Database in Telecommunications
Teaching staff: Mr. Nicholas Taillade and Mr. Lionel Basso
Subject: ETM 7042 Network Management
Teaching staff: Mr. Benoit Vaillant
Subject: ETM 7022 High-speed and Broadband Networks
Teaching staff: Mr. Nicholas Taillade and Mr. Lionel Basso
Undergraduate courses
Subject: ETM 2016 Analog Communications
Teaching staff: Dr. Abbou Fouad Mohammed (September 2001)
Subject: EMG 4066 Antenna and Propagation
Teaching staff: Dr. Abbou Fouad Mohammed (May 2002)
Subject: ECP 2032 Algorithms and Data Structures
Teaching staff: Mr. Benoit Vaillant
Subject: ECP 20622 Software Engineering
Teaching staff: Mr. Benoit Vaillant
Subject: ECP 2182 Java Technology
Teaching staff: Mr. Lionel Basso
Subject: ECP 1022 Program Design
Teaching staff: Mr. Lionel Basso
Subject: ECP 2072 Data Communication & Computer Networking
Teaching staff: Mr. Lionel Basso
Subject: ETM 2042 Communication 1
Teaching staff: Mr. Nicholas Taillade (September 1999)
Teaching staff: Dr. Abbou Fouad Mohammed & Mr. Nicholas Taillade (September 2000)
Subject: EMM 2022 Digital Audio Signal Processing
Teaching staff: Mr. Nicholas Taillade
Subject: ETM 3072 Communication 2
Teaching staff: Mr. Nicholas Taillade
Subject: EMG 30422 Antenna and Propagation
Teaching staff: Dr. Abbou Fouad Mohammed (May 2001)
Student supervisions by Dr. Abbou Fouad Mohammed
Ph.D. students
Kamran Ezdi
Title: Free Space Optical Communications (On-going research)
Hakim Mellah
Title: Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) over Dense Wavelength Division
Multiplexing (DWDM) Optical Network. (Submitted his proposal)
Master students
Putri Mariah A. Zahidin
Title: Development of Analytical Approach to Evaluate Influence of Fiber Non-linear Effects on WDM systems (part of Design of an Advanced WDM Network (DAWN) project). (On-going research)
Alcatel staff have supervised the following students:
Tan Su Wei
Title: Traffic Engineering in Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) (completed)
Teo Boon Cheng
Title: TCP over ADSL. (completed)
Chong Hooi Chia
Title: Video over Wireless Communication MPEG-4 over Web and Bluetooth. (completed)
Deena Benjamin
Title: Access Methods for Multimedia Networking for Smart Homes. (completed)
Wee Chin Mun
Title: Security Algorithm for Network Management. (completed)
Seminar presentations, short courses conducted and international symposiums organised for students, staff and general public under the Alcatel Visiting Lecturer Programme
13 March 2000: Network Simulation for Telecom R&D and Network Planning. Mr. Lionel Basso, Alcatel University, France.
24 March 2000: ATM Basics. Mr. Lionel Basso, Alcatel University, France.
24 April 2000: B-ISDN, ATM Networks & SDH/PDH Core Networks . Mr. Lionel Basso, Alcatel University, France.
Wang Weigu, "Evolving telecommunications networks ", M2USIC 2001, October 2001. Alcatel Singapore.
F. M. Abbou "The origin of dispersion and non-linearity in fiber". 2002, Alcatel, University Malaysia
International symposiums
M2USIC 2000 and M2USIC 2001, and M2USIC 2002
Sponsored and participated in the symposiums. Collaboration with NTT, Telekom Malaysia and MMU.
Research collaborations with researchers and postgraduate students from MMU:
Broadband Technology Group
Dr. Abbou Fouad Mohammed is the chairman of the group. It groups Masters and Ph.D. degrees students and federates the activities related to broadband technologies.
Design of an Advanced WDM Network (DAWN)
The project has several researchers as well as Masters degree students.
Optical Communications Group (OCG)
The mission of OGC is to conduct research related to optical communication, which includes research on optoelectronic devices, such as optical sources, optical switches, integrated optics, waveguide, routers, etc. It also includes research on new semiconductor materials to be used in optoelectronic devices. Lightwave system architecture scheme such as Wavelength Division Multiplexing, Time Division Multiplexing, Subcarrier Multiplexing, Soliton transmission and optical computing, and research on fibre non-linearity in optical fibre communication system are also of interest.
Internship and scholarship for students and academic staff from MMU
Internships at Alcatel Penang or Kuala Lumpur.
Undergraduate students:
Mr Annuar Bin Sharhom, Telecommunication Engineering course, Faculty of Engineering.
Ms Ler Lian Nah, Telecommunication Engineering course, Faculty of Engineering.
Mr Mohan Dass Albert, Telecommunication Engineering course, Faculty of Engineering.
Ms Salina Bt Sainudin @ Zainuddin, Faculty of Information Technology.
Masters students:
Ms. Lim Poay Hoon
Masters degree in the area of Advanced Mathematics at ENSTB, France.
Mr. Edmund Kueh Boon Kiang
Title: Effect of Four Wave Mixing on Massive WDM Soliton Transmission
Status of Collaboration
The Alcatel/MMU collaboration has been extended for a period of three years, from October 2001 to October 2004.
Alcatel Multimedia Laboratory status
One on the major achievements of the collaboration in 2000 was the establishment of the Alcatel Multimedia Laboratory, as planned in the agreement. The AML is now operational with the following equipment:
8 high-end workstations,
1 Windows 2000 server (+ printer, backup, etc.),
2 ATM switches.
The network configuration of the laboratory is given in Fig. 1 (Figure 1: Network Configuration)
Researchers, postgraduates and undergraduate students are using the Alcatel laboratory to carry out their projects and research related to telecommunications.
Figure 2: Alcatel Multimedia Laboratory in July 2003
Abbou Fouad Mohammed, Chuah Hean Teik and Majumder, S.P. Performance Evaluation of a Direct Detection Optical Soliton Transmission System Impaired By GVD, SPM, and ASE Noise. IEE Electronics Letters (submitted 2002).
Hameida, S. and Takahashi, K. (2001). Designing Communication Networks Topologies Using Steady-State Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Communication Letters, 5(3), 113-115.
Hameida, S. and Takahashi, K. (2000). Minimum Cost Topology Optimisation of ATM Networks Using Genetic Algorithms. IEE Electronic Letters, 36 (24), 2051-2053.
Lee, S. W., Vaillant, B. and Basso, L. (1999, August 30 - 31). Will Hypermedia Handle its Promises? Asia Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies 1999 (APSITT'99), Mongolia.
Taillade, N., Salim Beg, M., Jalel Chabel and Benoit Vaillant (2000, October 5 ?6). Multimedia Networking for Intelligent Homes. Proceeding of International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies , Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
Teo, B. C., Lee, S. W. and Vaillant, B. (2001, November 15 - 17). TCP OVER ADSL ? Traffic Analysis and Optimization. International Conference on Teletraffic and Networking, HangZhou, China, in process.
Yeoh, E.T., Vaillant, B., Teo, L. S. and Ryoichi Komiya (2000, June 18 - 22). Dynamic Multimedia Distribution System in a Virtual Education Environment. ICC 2000 ? Global Convergence Through Communications, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A
Yeoh, E. T., Vaillant, B., Teo, L. S. and Ryoichi Komiya (1999, October 18 - 22). Virtual Education Environment for engineering courses. Fifth Asian-Pacific Conference on Communications and Fourth Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (APCC/OECC?99), Beijing, China.
Type of Collaboration:
Research Funding Sponsorship
Industrial Collaboration
Academic and research collaboration on Wireless Bluetooth Technology.
To promote and strengthen relationships between Ericsson and MMU.
To sponsor postgraduate research projects, which constitutes solid research collaborations between Ericsson and MMU.
To promote learning, research and development works in the area of Wireless Communication, such as Bluetooth.
Postgraduate Research Projects (Ph.D.)
Innovation of new technology
Potential patent
Research publication
Innovation of current technology
Detailed Description:
Research Funding Sponsorship
In the Research Funding Sponsorship collaboration, MMU will undertake research in the area of Code Division Multiple Access. Ericsson will fund the research amounting to RM170,000.00 for a period of 3 years. Ericsson will also provide up-to-date information on the progress of 3G standards and possible proprietary company information. Initial literature survey is completed. Theoretical and simulation studies on various control algorithms are carried out. MMU has received the full research funding and it was used to purchase workstations and simulation software.
Status: in final stage of completion
In cellular communications, the received signals' powers would vary randomly from time to time, which is frequently referred as fading.
One of the researches focuses on investigating the control of the transmitted signal power, where the objective is to minimise the received signal power variation.
The figures above show a comparison between a power controlled received signal (lower graph) and a non-power controlled received signal (upper graph with red line). In the presents of power control mechanism, the received signal power variation is minimised. The corresponding (inverse) power controlled transmitted signal is shown in the upper graph.
Industrial Collaboration
As for the Industrial collaboration, Ericsson Business Consulting required a technically proficient person to work as the Project Manager / Designer in the development of this intelligent module. MMU provided the necessary technical expertise. Mr Elias Abbas acts as a consultant for a period of 8 months. All expenses were borne by Ericsson and all intellectual property rights belong to Ericsson. The prototype of the intelligent module has been successfully completed and is pending production planning. Collaboration has currently ended but there is a possibility for continuation of collaboration, if Ericsson decides to proceed with production.
Status: on going
Academic and research collaboration in Wireless Bluetooth Technology.
Ericsson is always keen to help Malaysia to develop local technical expertise talents and cultivate a new generation of world-class, wireless communication engineers. MMU has benefited from their Industry-Academic programme, which encompasses the following areas:
Seminar presentations to students, staff and general public on the Wireless Bluetooth Technology:
2 August 2000: Bluetooth Wireless Technology, Mr. Jaffar Abu Bakar, Ericsson Malaysia.
18 - 19 September 2001: A joint MMU-Ericsson workshop sponsored by Ericsson (in terms on speakers and equipment) was conducted to teach the researchers on using the Bluetooth training kits and the associated software.
Loan of 8 units of Bluetooth training kits and the associated software
Technical advice on Bluetooth projects conducted by MMU
Status: On going
Bluetooth, a cable replacement RF technology, has gained much attention recently. One of the reasons is that it operates at the license-free 2.4GHz ISM frequency band. In addition, it provides high bandwidth, secure and non-line of sight short distance communications. Figure below shows a typical Bluetooth module that is used for short distance wireless communication. The maximum length the module can be as short as the length of a matchstick.
Sim, M.L. and Chuah, H.T. (in pres.). Received Signal Statistics in DS/CDMA Channels with Flat Rayleigh Fading and Fast Closed-loop Power Control. IEEE Transaction on Communications.
Sim, M.L. and Chuah, H.T. (2002). Performance Evaluation of Pilot Symbol Assisted Power Control in CDMA Systems, IEICE Trans. Communications, E85-B(7 ), 1257-1264.
Sim, M.L. and Chuah, H.T. (2000). Performance Analysis of Reverse Link Wideband CDMA Cellular System under Fast Closed-Loop Power. IEE 3G Mobile Communication Technologies, 51-55.
Sim, M.L. and Chuah, H.T. (2002, May). Performance Evaluation of Received Power Estimation for Power Control in CDMA Systems. IEEE VTC Spring 2002 , Alabama, U.S.A.
Sim, M.L. and Chuah, H.T. (2001, October 16 -17). Performance Evaluation of Pilot Symbol Assisted Power Control in CDMA Systems. MMU International Symposium on Information and Communications Technologies (M2USIC2001) , Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
Type of Collaboration:
MMU as Intel Focus University
To promote and strengthen the relationships between INTEL and MMU.
To sponsor research collaborations between INTEL and MMU.
To sponsor an Intel Microelectronics Laboratory so that students and researchers have access to state-of-the-art facilities for learning and research, particularly in the area of Microelectronics.
To provide research fellowships to selected MMU postgraduate students.
Postgraduate Degree (3 MEngSc and 1 Ph.D.)
Simulation Software for Ultra High-speed PCB Design
Derivation of design rules for prevention of electromagnetic interference
Setting up of a Microelectronics Laboratory
Experiments for undergraduates using Microprocessor and Microcontroller Kits donated
Implementation of IPv6 Routing Table Lookup, using the donated Intel IXP 1200 Network Processor Evaluation Board.
Detailed Description:
Intel Corporation has selected Multimedia University as their Focus University in Malaysia since 1998. This is an effective Industry-Academic Partnership to support human resource development. This programme encompasses the following areas:
Equipment Grant
Supply of Technical Literature
Graduate Fellowship
Research Grants
Guest Lectures
MMU has benefited in the following aspects:
Donation of Equipment
State-of-the-art workstations and software to set up an Intel Microelectronics. Design Laboratory at MMU for teaching and research activities.
25 sets of Micro-controller Experimental Kits for undergraduate laboratory experiments.
3 sets of Intel Network Processor and development kit (KEIXP12EB).
Research Grants and Fellowships
Research Project: Modelling of Ultra High Speed (1GHz-10GHz) Printed Circuit Board - RM172,000.00. Partially completed by Mr. CC Chai.
Research Project: IPv6 Table Look-Up Implementation Using IXP 1200 - RM45,200.00. Project leader ? Dr. HT Ewe.
Research Project: Future Network Technologies for Differentiated Services - RM124,100.00. Project leader - Dr. SW Lee. The grant is inclusive of student stipend for two master postgraduates, Mr. Chong Poh Kit and Lim Sing King and project hardware, software and other materials for one period from 1.9.2001 to 31.8.2002.
Research Project: Performance Design of ATM Based Multicast Network - RM60,000.00. Completed by Mr. SC Lee.
Research Project: Cryptanalysis Methods in Determining the Security of Block Ciphers - RM60,000.00. Completed by Mr. Raphael Phang.
Research Project: Design & Performance Analysis of the Wireless Networking Protocols for 3G Mobile Communications System - RM30,000.00). Project was discontinued from the scheme by Mr. ML Chan.
Research ProjectATM to IP Conversion Chip Design - RM30,000.00. Project on-going by Mr. Yap Lee Feung.
Research Project: Video over Wireless Communication (VoW), MPEG-4 over Bluetooth - RM30,000.00. Project on- going by Mr. Chong Hooi Chia.
Research Project: Intelligent Signal Processing using Wavelet Networks - RM30,000.00. Project on-going by Mr. Ian Lee Wen Chun.
Kung, F.W.L. and Chuah, H.T. (2002). Modelling of Diode in FDTD Simulation of Printed Circuit Board. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (JEWA), 16, 99 -110.
Kung, F.W.L. and Chuah, H.T. (1998). System Modelling of High-speed Digital Printed Circuit Board using SPICE. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 20, 179-212.
Chai, C.C., Chung, B.K. and Chuah, H.T. (2001, December 3 - 6). Speed-up Crosstalk Simulation on Coupled Microstrip Lines using the FDTD Method by Scaling of Cross-section Size. 2001 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference , Taiwan.
Kung, F.W.L. and Chuah, H.T. (1997, September 10-12). System Modelling of High-speed Digital Printed Circuit Board. Seventh International Symposium on IC Technology, Systems & Applications, Singapore.
Lee, I.W.C. and Dash, P.K. (2002, August 26 - 29). An S-Transform Based Neural Pattern Classifier for Non-Stationary Signals. To be published in 6th International Conference on Signal Processing, Beijing, China.
Lee, S.C. and Takahashi, K. (2001, November 5 - 8). A New Multicasting Scheme in ATM Binary Tree Networks. Fourth Asia Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Lee, S.C. and Takahashi, K. (2001, August 12 - 17). A New Design of ATM Binary Trees Multicast Switch. IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications 2001, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Lee, S.C. and Takahashi, K. (2000, September). A Survey of Videoconferencing Teletraffic over ATM Networks. IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications, Las Vegas, U.S.A.
Takahashi, K., Lee, S.C. and Chuah, H.T. (2000, August). Networking Plan for Global Tele-education, TACIT2000, Bangkok, Thailand.
Postgraduate candidates
Ph.D. student
Fabian Kung Wai Lee
Title: Modelling of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Printed Circuit Board and
Title: Performance Design of ATM Based Multicast Network. (completed)
Raphael Phang Chung Wei
Title: Cryptanalysis Methods in Determining the Security of Block Ciphers. (completed)
Chong Hooi Chia
Title: Video over Wireless Communication (VoW), MPEG-4 over Bluetooth. (on-going)
Yap Lee Feung
Title: ATM to IP Conversion Chip Design. (on-going)
Ian Lee Wen Chun
Title: Intelligent Signal Processing using Wavelet Networks. (on-going)
Lim Sing King and Chong Poh Kit
Title: Future Network Technologies for Differentiated Services. (on-going)
Yong Siew Mee
Title: IPv6 Table Look-Up Implementation Using IXP 1200. (on-going)
Active Funded Projects
Modelling of Ultra High-Speed (1GHz-10GHz) Printed Circuit Board. (1998)
IPv6 Table Look-Up Implementation Using IXP 1200. (2001)
Future Network Technologies for Differentiated Services. (2001)
Video over Wireless Communication (VoW), MPEG-4 over Bluetooth (2000)
ATM to IP Conversion Chip Design (2001).
Intelligent Signal Processing using Wavelet Networks (RM30,000.00), (2001).
Status of Active Projects
Project on "Intelligent Signal Processing using Wavelet Network"
The basic algorithm of this project is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Signal is preprocessed with the modified wavelet (S-transform).
Three feature vectors are taken from the S-transform unit
Simple pretest is done on the feature vectors to determine the need for further classification.
Neural network will classify the signals.
Post processing is done to change the neural network output to a form usable by the post-test unit.
Post-test will deal with signals having harmonic disturbances.
Figure 2 - Swell in the presence of harmonics and corresponding S-transform output.
Table. I. Classification accuracy
Table. II. Classification accuracy with the presence of 30dB noise.
Project on "Future Network Technologies for Differentiated Services"
Standard Internet Protocol (IP) ? based network provides "best-effort" data delivery by default. However, the tremendous growth of the global Internet has given rise to a variety of applications that require quality-of-service (QoS). Therefore QoS routing algorithms have become the focus of recent research, due to their potential for increasing the utilisation of networks that handles requests with QoS requirement. This benefit, however, comes with a cost of additional consumption of computational and bandwidth resources. In this paper, we present an overview of the current researches on the evaluation of the performance and processing overhead of a QoS path computation.
Figure 1 - Goodput of individual flows versus the flow ID for different active queue management algorithms.
Figure 2 - The Percentage of packet losses versus the number of flows for different active queue management algorithms.
Project on "Modelling of Ultra High-Speed (1GHz-10GHz) Printed Circuit Board"
This project is an exercise to investigate electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems, such as signal integrity, crosstalk and electromagnetic radiation problems on high-speed printed circuit boards. It is found that most of the simulation methods used to analyse these problems are mathematically complicated. The objective of this project to study the EMI problems with least mathematics details, but without sacrificing accuracy. Moreover, for fast-switching digital signal, the quasi-static approximation, which ignores dispersion and higher-order field modes is no longer adequate for accurate study of electromagnetic interference problems. A simple full wave numerical technique, the Finite-Difference Time-Domain method is found to be well suited to our needs. The theory of this method and the cautious steps associated with its application are discussed in details. Simulations of crosstalk on coupled microstrip lines have been carried out and have been found to be in good agreement with the measurement and literature results. A trick to expedite the simulation of crosstalk has been proposed. Also, simple equations to predict near-end and far-end crosstalk had been derived, which are based on curve-fitting method. The results of method also show good agreement of measurement and literature results.
Current CAD packages for designing of microwave and ultra high-speed circuits' fall into two categories. The first category utilises circuit theory to model the circuit in terms of lumped and distributed components, such as resistor, capacitor, inductor, diode, transistor, transmission line, transformer etc. A physical printed circuit board, including the layout can be modelled using these components. Since the circuit can contains non-linear components, prediction of the circuit performance is carried out using non-linear circuit simulators, such as SPICE like transient simulation, harmonic balance simulation and circuit envelope simulation. These simulation methods has one drawback, the actual EM field in the printed circuit board is approximated as equivalent voltages and currents for the methods to work. This approach is acceptable at RF and lower frequency; however, it is not accurate at frequencies beyond 10GHz, as the circuit must essentially be viewed as distributed. The second category models the physical structure of the printed circuit board, including its components. Numerical method is used to solve the EM fields of the system and equivalent current and voltage can be derived. The second category generally applies Finite Element Method or Method or Moment, which are numerical methods for approximating EM fields in frequency domain. In the case of non-linear components and medium, these methods will not be applicable and the time domain methods of first category have to be applied. This project aims to develop new software, based on Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) approach that can combine the ability to incorporate and solve non-linear systems and the ability to model the system in the field domain. The final output will be software capable of achieving this. FDTD is not new since attempts to solve partial differential equations by approximating the differential operator with finite difference was introduced in early 19th century. In the course of the project, various obstacles have to be solved, e.g. the syntax and method of modelling a 3 dimensional structure, and the development of the basic FDTD core of the software. The basic core treated non-dispersive and linear media. Subsequently non-linear component, dispersive and non-linear is added. The FDTD algorithm in terms of stability and accuracy has to be expanded and studied thoroughly. Finally verification of the software output and actual measurement will be performed.
Figure 1 - Simulation model and actual power amplifier constructed.
Figure 2 - Simulation and measured result.
Project on "ATM to IP Conversion Chip Design"
Today, with the Internet providing global interconnectivity, a vast majority of computer applications communicate with each other via the Internet Protocol (IP). On the other hand, due to the fact that Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) offers various levels of Quality of Service (QoS), and high speed switching capacity, ATM networks have been deployed in most of the backbones. IP networks need to depend on other auxiliary protocols, such as IntServ and DiffServ in providing QoS capability.
This research will focus on the problem in maintaining the IP packets? QoS, i.e. when IP packets are to be transmitted over the ATM backbone. We propose to use the IPv6?s Flow Label filed to enhance the existing IP QoS over ATM Qos mapping. A network simulator will be developed, using C++ to test the proposed algorithm. The proposed simulator architecture has been defined and is shown in the figure below. The heterogonous IP networks represent IntServ, DiffServ or pure IPv6 networks. At the ATM edge switch, the IP QoS will be mapped to the equivalent ATM QoS before the packets are being segment into 53 bytes ATM cell. At the receiving end, the IP packet will be reassembled.
Figure 1. Network Simulator Topology and Protocol Stack
Based on the results gain from the simulation studies, the ATM Edge Switch will then be modelled, using VHDL. The basic architecture of the switch is as shown below. Basically, the ATM Edge Switch is responsible for QoS mapping and Segmentation.
Figure 2. ATM Edge Switch basic architecture
The expected delivery from this research is enhance IP QoS over ATM QoS mapping algorithm, a IPv6 over ATM simulator and the VHDL modeled ATM Edge Switch.
Project on "Video over Wireless Communication (VoW), MPEG-4 over Bluetooth"
Video over wireless communication (VoW) has a lot of potential applications in homes and office environment. VoW provides access to streaming video and supports a wide range of applications, such as security and monitoring. The emergence of two new technologies, namely Bluetooth and MPEG-4, will prove useful in implementing VoW. However, in enabling VoW to the end user level, especially on mobile devices, such as cellular phones and PDAs, home appliances and office intercom, there are still no defined standards, protocols or profiles for VoW. Fundamental problems on how to successfully implement MPEG-4 over Bluetooth (MPEG4BT) still remain. In this paper, the implementation of transmitting MPEG-4 bit streams over wireless Bluetooth channels (MPEG4BT). This paper presents our investigation and implementation of HCI and L2CAP protocols in transmitting video over wireless Bluetooth link. We also implemented MPEG4BT via IP over Bluetooth. We have successfully implemented video transmissions, and have been able to receive and view the video at the receiver end.
MPEG4BT via L2CAP is a different approach than MPEG4BT via HCI. The Logical Link and Control Adaptation Protocol, L2CAP mainly facilitates the segmentation and re-assembly of larger-size, higher-layer packets to and from the smaller Bluetooth baseband packets. In contrast to HCI, which exposes the internal operation of the lower transport protocols, L2CAP hides the peculiarities of the Bluetooth lower-layers. Many existing applications developed for higher-layer transport protocols can be made to run over Bluetooth link with little, if any, modifications.
Figure 3 : MPEG4BT via IP over Bluetooth
IP over Bluetooth is done by stacking TCP/IP over virtual serial connection via RFCOMM.
Figure 4: MPEG4BT via IP over Bluetooth, MPEG-4 bitstreams transfer over Bluetooth channel (in bytes per second)
As shown in Figure 4, the transfer rate is averaged at over 50KB/s or 400kbps (kilobit/s) The overhead of Bluetooth packet (18 bytes/packet) and IP packet (20 bytes/packet), the Bluetooth device configuration (antenna position, received/transmit buffer size), distance between two Bluetooth devices are among the reasons to limit the average transfer rate, i.e. well below the maximum transfer rate 723Kbt/s.
Project on "IPv6 Table Look-Up Implementation Using IXP 1200".
IPv6 is designed to eventually replace Ipv4 as the Internet Protocol of the future. IPv6 can be described as a modified and enhanced version of IPv4; for example, it supports better security and network resource allocation. Therefore, as the new IP is being slowly implemented, there is a need for designing and implementing new and improved algorithm, especially for routing IPv6 packets.
Our purposed approach will be of a software solution, leveraging on algorithm based on a trie data structure. The literature review reveals that algorithms designed by other researchers tries to solve the Longest Prefix Match (LPM) problem, however, we find that the algorithms presented thus far tends to either perform well in most 2 out of the 3 criteria deemed important for a routing table lookup solutions. The three criteria are: 1) storage requirement, 2) update times and 3) lookup/query time. We plan to fully utilise the IXP 1200 Network Processor?s features of 6 microengine and the 1 Strong ARM core processor to speed up the table look-up time.
Type of Collaboration
Assignment of Visiting Professors to support academic activities of MMU.
On the Job Research Training for MMU staff at NTT?s Laboratories in Japan.
Industrial training of MMU final year students.
Collaborative Research on IP Networks, Ipv.6 Applications, Tele-education, Community Computing and WDM technologies, Virtual Reality Telecommunication Systems (VRTS), Virtual Education Environment.
Collaborative research by staff/students with NTT?s laboratories in Japan and/or NTT-MSC
Scholarship donation through Multimedia Scholarship Foundation (MSF).
Seminars, short courses and workshops in selected areas.
Sponsoring of MMU annual International Symposium on Information and Communication.
Supporting MMU?s top management to foster international relations.
To assist MMU in developing as a regional R&D and education hub.
To enhance learning spirit among undergraduates and R&D mind nurturing in postgraduates.
To "build" bridges with Japanese institutions
To encourage students to study through scholarship donation
Education activities: Final Year Project for Undergraduate students, Postgraduate students
R&D activities: Experimental system/platform establishment, paper writings, patents writings.
Contribution to MMU academic products including paper publications and patents
Scholarship donation
Financial and technical support of MMU academic events
Detailed Description
MMU students and faculty staff with excellent academic records are attached to NIT R&D Centres in Japan on-the-job training in each special area. NTT is still planning to have MMU students or staff for their OJRT after NTT was involved in the divestiture in July 2000. No staff used this system in 2001.
NTT provided 2 full-time Professors, Prof. Kenzo Takahashi and Prof. Ryoichi Komiya at the Faculty of Engineering, who specialise in the areas of Highspeed & Broadband Networks and Virtual Reality, respectively, to assist in both teaching and research at MMU.
NTT provided scholarships to 17 selected MMU students (8 from FOE, 3 from FIT, 5 from FCM and 1 from FOM) through Multimedia Scholarship Foundation in 2001, from various parts of the world to pursue their education at the MMU so that MMU would be recognised as an excellent centre of education for the Asia-Pacific region. One of the selected students was from Sri Lanka. NTT also sponsored 2 MMU graduate students from Sri Lanka in 2001.
Scholarship students who visited NTT
NTT conducted R&D collaboration with 20 MMU students for their final year projects on multimedia related topics, particularly in the area of IP Network and Ipv.6 Applications, Tele-education and Community Computing.
A Joint NTT-MMU seminar was organised in October 2001 and an international conference M2USIC?2001. NTT donated RM20,000 to MMU to finance the conference. Prof. Takahashi collaborated with NTT for financial support as a part of his R&D activity. NTT assigned a guest speaker, Dr.Hiroshi Kotera to MMU?s annual International Conference M2USIC2001 on the topic "Broadband IP Network and Its Applications". Simultaneously, NTT financially supported MMU, i.e. donated RM10,000.
NTT supported Prof. Kenzo Takahashi for the TINA-C fellowship for 2002 joint international conference. TINA-C donated US$60,000.
NTT supported Prof. Kenzo Takahashi to join MDC?s Mission to Myanmar Government?s e-National Task Force as one of the delegates in April 2002.
NTT financially supported BHN Council to organise the Joint MMU-BHN International Training Program for 10 selected students from Asia Pacific countries for two months in 2001.
Teaching by the NTT Professors:
EMM 3092 Computer Graphic and Virtual Reality, for Third Year students
Lectured by Prof. Ryoichi Komiya (35 hours, 1 Trimester)
ETM 7052 Communications Policy and Standards, for Masters degree students
Lectured by Prof. Kenzo Takahashi (65 hours, 1 Trimester)
Research Project Co-ordination for Final Year Projects (Third Year)
MMU?s International Relations Development co-ordinated by Prof. Kenzo Takahashi
Realisation of National Project of Networked Multimedia Education System through Multimedia Corporation Centre (MMCC) conducted by Prof. Kenzo Takahashi
Research collaboration with the following organisations conducted by Prof. Kenzo Takahashi
NASDA for Global Tele-education using Ultra High Rate Internet Satellite
University of Chile for AccessNova Project Evolution
KMITL Thailand for ReCCIT Project evolution
Kyoto University for PARTHENON application
Tokyo Institute of Technology for human exchange
Waseda University for joining GITI Forum
Seminar presentations, short courses and international symposium organised for students, staff and general public, under the NTT Visiting Lecturer Programme
14 July 2001:
Introduction of Center for Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics. Prof. Ryoichi Komiya.
3D Videophone Research Status. Mr. Nor Azhar Mohd Arif
Gesturephone Research Status. Mr. Mohd Nazri Ramly
Cameraless Mobile Videophone Research Status. Ms. Aishah Razak.
Virtual Learning Environment Research Status. Mr. Yeoh Eng Thiam.
Virtual Learning Environment Knowledge Base. Mr. Fairuz.
High Speed Access Lines for Future Services. Mr. Mahathir Said
VEE Knowledge Base Prototype. Ms. Munkhtuya
Multimedia textbook. Ms. Ng Kher Hui
5 June 2002
E-Learning, Prof Takahashi
International symposiums and conferences
M2USIC 2001
Sponsored and participated in the symposium. Collaboration with ALCATEL, Telekom Malaysia and MMU.
IEEE International Communications Conference 2002. Multimedia and VoIP - Services and Technologies.
Abbou, F. M., Chuah, H. T. and Majumder, S. P. (2001). Higher Order Nonlinear Effect and Limitation of Soliton Propagation in Dispersive Nonlinear Medium for Dispersion Shifted Fiber. Fiber and Integrated Optics, 20 (2), 197-206.
Chien, S.F., Takahashi, K. and Majumder, S.P. (2002). Multihop Optical Network with Convolutional Coding. Jounal of Optical Networking, OSA, l(1), pp.66-73 .
Chien, S.F., Takahashi, K. and Majumder, S.P. (2002). Performance of Wavelength Convertible Multi-hop Optical ShuffleNets Employing Comvolutional Coding under Hot-Potato Routing. Journal of Optical Networking, OSA, 1 (2), 93-101.
Chien, S.F., Takahashi, K. and Majumder, S.P. (in pres.). Performance Limitation For A Multihop Shufflenet Imposed By Accumulated ASE And Crosstalk. Journals of Optical Communication, Germany
Chien, S.F., Takahashi, K. and Majumder, S.P. (in pres.). A Fair Performance Comparison of Deflection Routing Multi-hop Optical Networks with and without Wavelength Conversion. Journal of Optical Communications, Germany.
Chien, S.F., Takahashi, K. and Lee, S.W. A Fair Comparison of Multihop Lightwave Networks Performance under Deflection Routing. IEE Eletronics Letter, UK. (under review).
Faidz, A. R., Ghafouri-Shiraz, H., Takahashi, K. and Chuah, H. T. (2001). Analysis of Combined Ball Lens and Conically Lensed Fiber Scheme to Improve the Coupling Efficiency and Misalignment Tolerance between Laser Diodes and Single Mode Fibers. Journal of Optical Communications, 22, 82-86.
Faidz Abd Rahman, Kenzo Takahashi and Chuah Hean Teik (in pres.). A Scheme to Improve the Coupling Efficiency and Working Distance between Laser Diode and Single Mode Fiber. Optics Communication.
Faidz Abd Rahman, Kenzo Takahashi and Chuah Hean Teik. Conical Microlens: A Simple Technique to Calculate the Coupling Efficiency. Applied Optics. (under review).
Hameida, S. and Takahashi, K. (2001). Designing Communication Networks Topologies Using Steady-State Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Communication Letters, 5(3), 113-115
Hameida, S. and Takahashi, K. (in pres.). A Genetic Local Tuning Algorithm for a Class of Communication Networks Combinatorial Optimization Problems. IEEE Communication Letters.
Ng, K. H. and Ryoichi Komiya (2002). Multimedia Textbook for Virtual Education Environment and its Implementations. IEE Engineering Science and Education, 11(2), 73-79.
Takahashi, K. (2002). Internet Technology Development in Malaysia. ITU Journal, 32(2), 48-52.
Hameida, S. and Takahashi, K. (2001). Optimal Topological Design of Communication Networks using Generational/Steady State and Struggle Generic Algorithms. Edited by Nikos Mastorakis, Artificial Intelligence Series, World Congress on Evolutionary Computation (EC'01).
Lee, S. C. and Takahashi, K. (2001, August 12 - 17). A New Design of ATM Binary Trees Multicast Switch. To be published in IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications 2001, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Lee, S. C. and Takahashi, K. (2001, November 5 - 8). A New Multicasting Scheme in ATM Binary Tree Networks. To be published in 4th Asia Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Nor Azhar Mohd Arif, Mohd Nazri Ramliy and Ryoichi Komiya (2001, July 22 - 25). A Hybrid Terminal Proposal for Virtual Reality Telecommunication System. Proceedings of SCI 2001, Orlando.
Nor Azhar Mohd Arif and Ryoichi Komiya (2002, April). ATM Network Impairment Evaluation of an Experimental 3D Videophone for Virtual Reality Telecommunication System. IEEE ICC 2002 Conference Record, New York, U.S.A.
Takahashi, K. (2002, February). Proposal for Collaborative Experiments using WINDS ? Toward the Construction of a Regional University Network. Third International Forum on Advanced Satellite Communications in Asia Pacific Region.
Takahashi, K. (2001, July). Information Technology in Malaysia, e-learning 2001, APRSAF-8 by MOSTE Malaysia and NASDA Japan.
Takahashi, K. (2001, July 20). Development of e-Learning in Japan. IDE Research Meeting.
Takahashi, K. (2001, July). Development of e-Learning in Japan. e-Learning 2001, APRSAF-8 by MOSTE Malaysia and NASDA Japan.
Nor Azhar Mohd Arif, Mohd Nazri Ramliy and Ryoichi Komiya (to be published in 2002). Prototype Terminal Proposal for Virtual Reality Telecommunication Systems contributed into Virtual Reality Technologies for Future Telecommunications Systems. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Patents Applied
Faidz A. R. and K. Takahashi. 'A Device and a Method for Optically Connecting an Optical Device to an Optic Fibre'. Filed in April 2001.
Mohd Nazri Ramly and Ryoichi Komiya. 'Gesturephone'. Filing process.
Nor Azhar Mohd Arif and Ryoichi Komiya. 'Virtual Reality Telecommunication Systems'. Filing process.
Aishah Razak and Ryoichi Komiya. 'Camera Less Mobile Videophone'. Filing process.
Ng Kher Hui and Ryoichi Komiya, 'Virtual Education Environment'. Filing process.
Newspaper Interview
Nanyang Siang Pau, 10 December 2002
Academic Activities
Prof. Kenzo Takahashi, Editor, IEEE Communications Magazine, from October 1998 to 2002
Prof. Kenzo Takahashi, Regular Committee Member, Special Committee on Information Network, IEICE
Prof. Kenzo Takahashi, Regular Committee Member, International Relations Committee, IEICE
Prof. Kenzo Takahashi, Mr.Hairul Azhar, Representative, TEMAN Project Committee
Prof. Kenzo Takahashi, Advisor, MMCC under KTKM
Prof. Chuah Hean Teik, Prof. Kenzo Takahashi, Dr. Lee Sze Wei, Committee member, MMCC Coordination Committee, Kementerian Tenaga, Komunikasi dan Multimedia
Prof Ryoichi Komiya, Workshop (WS-01 Application of Virtual Reality Technologies for Future Telecommunication Systems) Organiser and chair at IEEE Globecom 2000 (Appointed June 2000).
Prof Ryoichi Komiya, Symposium (Multimedia and VoIP-Services and Technologies) co-chair at IEEE ICC 2002 (Appointed April 2001- one year)
Prof Ryoichi Komiya, Paper reviewer for IEEE Globecom 2001 (Appointed March 2001)
Prof Ryoichi Komiya , Officer of IEEE Communication Society Multimedia Communications Technical Committee (Appointed December 2000- 2002)
Prof Ryoichi Komiya , Paper reviewer for MICC+LISLO 2001 (Local conference, Appointed May 2001 to present)
Prof Ryoichi Komiya , Assistant Editor for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (Appointed May 2001-two years)
Prof Ryoichi Komiya , Asia Liaison for ACM Multimedia 2001 (Appointed December 2000)
Prof Ryoichi Komiya, Co-chair, Symposium on Multimedia and VoIP-Services and Technologies, IEEE ICC 2002
Postgraduate students
Supervisor: Prof Kenzo Takahashi
(I) Faidz Abd. Rahman ? completed doctoral study and in the final process of PhD dissertation
(2) Sayoud Hameida ? completed doctoral study and in the final process of PhD dissertation
(3) Chien Su Fong ? completed doctoral study and received PhD degree
(4) Marinah Othman ? completed MEngSc study and received MEngSc degree
(5) Wong Kin Yew - MEngSc ? completed MEngSc study and received MEngSc degree
(6) Hairul Azhar Abd. Rashid ? completed MEngSc study and received MEngSc degree
(7) Lee Sheng Chyan ? completed MEngSc study and received MEngSc degree
(8) Foo Yee Loo ? still continuing MEngSc study
Supervisor: Prof Ryoichi Komiya
(I) Nor Azhar Mohd Arif ? completed MEngSc study and received MEngSc degree
(2) Mohd Nazri Ramliy ? completed MEngSc study and received MEngSc degree
(3) Mohd Ridzuan Mohktar ? still continuing MEngSc study, his advisor was changed to another staff
(4) Mohd Mahathir Said ? interrupted MEngSc study
RM 10,000 for MMU?s International Conference M2USIC2001
RM406,200 for Scholarship to the selected MMU students.
RM150,000 for Scholarship to MMU-BHN International Training Program
Multimedia Scholarship Foundation
Prof. Kenzo Takahashi, Advisor, MSF, from May 1998 to July 2000.
Prof. Kenzo Takahashi, Governor, MSF, from August 2000 to the present.
Prof. Kenzo Takahashi, Board Director, from August 2000 to the present.
Type of Collaboration:
Academic collaboration in multimedia networks, through Fujitsu Visiting Fellows at MMU.
To conduct teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
To undertake research and supervision of projects.
To conduct Fujitsu Short Course Series programs.
Postgraduate Research Projects (MEng.Sc. and Ph.D.)
Detailed Description:
Multimedia Networks Core Lecture, including the communication network, mobile radio system and optical networks.
Status of Collaboration:
Products Achieved:
Fujitsu Visiting Fellows conducted the lectures for core course MMU3072 Multimedia Networks and series of short courses.
25 January 2002 : Software for Telecom, Dr. F. Maruyama
24 January 2002: 3G Mobile Technology. Mr. H Kurematsu, Mr. T Saito
28 February 2002(MMU) and 1 March 2002 (PSDC, Penang) : IP Network including IPV6, Mr. T Suzuki
27 March 2002 (MMU) and on 28 March 2002 (PSDC, Penang): Optical Transmission System including Optical SW. Mr. H Onaka
Type of Collaboration:
Research collaboration
To collaborate research on Image and Video transmission over mobile handsets
To promote and strengthen relationships between MMU and Motorola
To enhance R&D engineers? knowledge in DSP.
Postgraduate Research Projects (MEng.Sc. and Ph.D.)
Relevant hardware/software
Short course for R&D, Motorola Penang: Digital Signal Processing
Detailed Description:
Collaborative research on Image and Video Compression Algorithm development for Mobile Communications is currently pursued.
Dr. M. Salim Beg, Salahuddin Ayub and Chang Yoong Choon from MMU and Mr. Tang Ting Fook from Motorola, Penang.
Plan and actions:
Start of project: April 2000
Literature survey almost completed.
A literature survey report has been prepared.
Mr. Tang visited MMU on 17 July 2000 to hold technical discussions on the project.
Mr. Salahuddin Ayub underwent a two-week training programme (11-22 Dec. 2000) at Motorola, Penang on his Master's project and again in April 2001.
Mr. Chang Yoong Choon presented his work at the Motorola Penang on 3 September 2001.
Status of Collaboration:
On-going. Two Masters candidates, namely Salahuddin Ayub and Chang Yoong Choon are in the process of finalising their results and writing up their Masters thesis.
Chang, Y.C., Salim Beg, M. and Tang, T.F. MPEG-4 Video Transmission over TETRA Mobile Channels. URSI General Assembly, Maastricht, Netherlands. (Accepted).
Chang, Y.C., Salim Beg, M. and Tang, T.F. Performance Evaluation of MPEG-4 Video over TETRA Channels. Sixth International Multi-Conference on Systemic, Cybernetic, and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. (Accepted).
Salahuddin Ayub, Salim Beg, M. and Tang Ting Fook. JPEG-2000 Based Image Coding for Transmission over Mobile Handsets. International Conference on Personal Indoor Mobile Radio Communication (PIMRC 2002) (Accepted).
Salahuddin Ayub, Salim Beg, M. and Tang Ting Fook. JPEG2000 and Wavelet Compression. IEEE Region Ten Conference TENCON, Beijing, China. (Accepted).
Salahuddin Ayub, Salim Beg, M. and Tang Ting Fook (2000, November 20 - 21). A Comparative Study of MPEG-4, H.263 and JPEG2000 for Video and Image Transmission over Mobile Handsets. National Conference on Telecommunications Technology, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
MPEG-4 Video over TETRA Channels Simulation Result:
MPEG-4 encoded Claire video sequence received at 14.4 kbit/s, 5fps after transmitting through TETRA channel at 30dB signal to noise ratio (SNR) using MPEG-4 error resilient tools
MPEG-4 encoded Claire video sequence received at 14.4 kbit/s, 5fps after transmitting through TETRA channel at 15dB signal to noise ratio (SNR) using MPEG-4 error resilient tools
MPEG-4 encoded Claire video sequence received at 14.4 kbit/s, 5fps after transmitting through TETRA channel at 15dB signal to noise ratio (SNR) without MPEG-4 error resilient tools
Type of Collaboration:
Professional Skills Development
To promote and strengthen relationships between MMU and National Semiconductor.
To provide scholarships to selected MMU students.
To sponsor an Annual Innovative Project Competition for MMU students.
To sponsor elective courses for MMU BEng (Electronics) programme.
To provide professional development courses for NS staff.
To provide industrial training for MMU students.
To provide Executive MBA courses for NS staff.
Scholarship to MMU Students
To encourage more students to enrol in MMU for higher education. Upon graduation, the students will work for NS and help the company to achieve their corporate goals.
Annual Innovative Project Competition
To provide opportunities for students to become more practical, cultivate design aptitude, student teamwork and advances the fields of electronics, information technology, and multimedia technology.
Sponsor an Elective Course
To enable transfer of practical knowledge from the industry to MMU.
Professional Development Courses For NS Staff
Intellectual exchange between MMU staffs and the industry.
Industrial Training for MMU Students
To provide opportunity for students to be exposed to real-life working environment.
Executive MBA courses for NS employees
To encourage more students to enrol with MMU and upgrades them to become more valuable to their company.
Detailed Description:
NS agrees to award three (3) scholarships to MMU undergraduate students annually. The scholarship is RM8,000 per student per year for the duration of the student's course of study. The students are required to serve NS thereafter for a period equivalent to the years of scholarship given, according to the availability for placement.
NS agrees to sponsor an Annual Innovative Project Competition for MMU students in the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology and Faculty of Creative Multimedia. NS will provide cost of project implementation and cash prizes.
NS agrees to sponsor an elective course for MMU?s BEng (Electronics) programme. The details of this sponsorship are to be decided by both parties.
MMU agrees to conduct professional development courses for NS staff. The syllabuses of such courses are to be proposed by NS and agreed upon by MMU.
NS agrees to provide Industrial Training to the students of MMU who qualify and MMU will also provide the Executive MBA for candidates from NS who qualify to be admitted for the said course. MMU will provide a discount of 15% upon the normal fee payable for such a course in respect of all NS candidates who qualify.
1st competition (1997/98) - 6 groups of students have completed their projects
2nd competition (1998/99) - 7 groups of students have completed their projects
3rd competition (2000) - 9 groups of students have completed their projects
4th competition (2001) - 11 groups of students have completed their projects
Winners of the 4th NS-MMU Annual Innovative Project Competition (Year 2001)
Group Members
Project Title, Prize and Certificate
Chew Keen Ming
Gan Show Peng
Chong Zan Kai
Ong Cheng Voon
Yong Swee Keong
Home Guard Security System
(Melaka Campus)
First Prize: RM5,000.00
Certificate of Distinction
Edmund Ooi Huat Lye
Thangappan a/l Krisnamuthi
Khoo Sez Kang
Chan Paey-Lun
Thomas Cheah Chin Siang
Automated Meter Reading System
(Cyberjaya Campus)
Second Prize: RM3,000.00
Certificate of Distinction
Soh Lip Kai
Beh Jiun Kai
Lee Meng Chong
Low Kian Seong
Yang Ren Bin
Mapping Robot
(Cyberjaya Campus)
Third Prize: RM2,000.00
Certificate of Distinction
Gan Hock Siong
Pechin Lo Chien Pau/Lo Pe Chin
Lee Chin Chew
Simon Lau Boung Yew
Intelligent Parking System
(Cyberjaya Campus)
Consolation Prize: RM500.00
Certificate of Merit
William Hii How Hsin
Dot Matrix LED Display System
(Melaka Campus)
Consolation Prize: RM500.00
Certificate of Merit
Ong Kean Chai
Wong Kok Hin
Wong Chin Kiat
Phang Chee Man
Chiew Yaw Lin
Ultrasonic Detector System
(Cyberjaya Campus)
Consolation Prize: RM500.00
Certificate of Merit
Lam Kuan Woei
Loh Kwang Hooi
Chan Kain Yong
Smart Gadget
(Melaka Campus)
Consolation Prize: RM500.00
Certificate of Merit
Jennifer Yeoh Wai Sum
Tan Sook Fun
Too Jia Hing
Ong Hui Yien
Julian Chan Yew Sheng
Ezzy Mailbox
(Cyberjaya Campus)
Certificate of Completion
Logendran Ramanidu
Sam Paul David
Tan Kheng Hui
Vijay Anand
Smart Recycle Bin
(Melaka Campus)
Certificate of Completion
Tan Huah Yuah
Lim Thiam Ern
Soh Chin Foo
Ng Hai Heng
Lim Soo Yong,
(Cyberjaya Campus)
Certificate of Participation
(Partially completed)
Nick Lim Jin Sean
Liew San Boon
Alan Tio Chooi Seng
Beh Kian Chung
Smart Home System
(Cyberjaya Campus)
Certificate of Participation
(Partially completed)
Short Courses:
Part-time Engineering Programme for NS technicians to prepare for IEM/BEM Examination
Short Course on Interface Buses (for Managers)
Short course on Interface Buses (for Engineers)
Short course on "C-Programming"
Semiconductor Device Theory Course
MACRES (Malaysian Centre for Remote Sensing)
Type of Collaboration:
Research and development collaboration in the area of Microwave Remote Sensing.
To promote and strengthen relationships between the university and MACRES.
To collaborate on research and development with MMU in the areas of microwave remote sensing, radar sensor development and satellite image processing and classification.
To organise seminars, training courses and workshops, which will benefit remote sensing community in Malaysia.
Postgraduate Research Projects (MEng.Sc. and Ph.D.)
Research collaboration and grant on remote sensing and radar development projects
Setting up of a Mobile Scatterometer System
Setting up of the Scatterometer System for field measurement
Setting up of a Multipurpose Anechoic Chamber.
Detailed Description:
MACRES and MMU have been collaborating since 1997 and signed a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) in 1999. MMU research team in the area of microwave remote sensing and radar development has worked with MACRES researchers in various projects, involving international participation. The project "Radar Measurement of Paddy Fields, Rubber Plantations, Oil Palm Plantations and High Relief Forests using AIRSAR" was a project carried out by both MMU and MACRES researchers with the collaboration from NASA JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory). Two hardware development projects, i.e. Design and Development of a Scatterometer for Environmental Monitoring and Modelling, Design and Construction of a Multipurpose Anechoic Chamber are actively in progress. Various seminars, training courses and workshops on research progress, scatterometer system, measurement techniques, SAR processing techniques have been conducted to benefit the Malaysian remote sensing community.
To-date, MMU has benefited in the following aspects:
Research Fundings
Research Project: Design and Development of a Scatterometer for Environmental Monitoring - RM1,300,000.00. MACRES funding.
Research Project: Modeling, Design and Construction of a Multipurpose Anechoic Chamber - RM2,800,000.00. MACRES funding.
Research Project: Radar Measurement of Paddy Fields, Rubber Plantations, Oil Palm Plantations and High Relief Forests using AIRSAR - RM27,000.00. IRPA/MACRES funding.
Research Project: Sensor for Remote Sensing Applications - RM135,000.00. IRPA/MACRES funding.
Research Project: An Operational Model for Paddy Field Prediction using Optical and SAR Satellite Data - RM20,000.00. IRPA/MACRES funding
Ewe, H.T. and Chuah, H.T. (2000). Electromagnetic Scattering from an Electrically Dense Vegetation Medium. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 38(5), 2093-2105.
Ewe, H.T. and Chuah, H.T. (2000). Microwave Scattering Mechanisms in A Dense Vegetation Medium. Malaysian Journal of Remote Sensing and GIS, 1, 85-90.
Abd. Halim Aziz, Noraini Ibrahim, Koo, V.C. and Peter Von Brevern (2002, April 1). Integration of Mobile Scatterometer. Second National Microwave Remote Sensing Seminar, MMU, Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Chan, Y.K., Gobi Vetharatnam, Koo, V.V. and Chung, B.K. (2002, April 1). The Development of an Airborne SAR System. Second National Microwave Remote Sensing Seminar, MMU, Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Chan, Y.K. and Vetharatnam, G. (2000, November 16). Imaging Radar System and Antenna Design. First National Microwave Remote Sensing Seminar , MMU, Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Chan, Y.K, Azlindawaty Mohd. Khuzi, Vetharatnam, G., Chung, B.K. and Chuah, H.T. (2000, July 24 - 28). The design and development of airborne synthetic aperture radar. Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu, U.S.A.
Chung, B.K. (2002, April 1). The Application of Anechoic Chamber. Second National Microwave Remote Sensing Seminar, MMU, Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Chung, B.K. (2000, November 16). Anechoic Chamber Concepts and Design. First National Microwave Remote Sensing Seminar, MMU, Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Ewe, H.T. (2000, November 16). MACRESS/MMU Collaboration Program in Microwave Remote Sensing. First National Microwave Remote Sensing Seminar , MMU, Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Ewe, H.T. and Chuah, H.T. (2000, July 5 - 14). A Multilayer Scattering Model for a Dense Vegetation Medium. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, U.S.A.
Khuzi, A.M. (2000, November 16). Imaging Radar - SAR Processor and Signal Processing Hardware. First National Microwave Remote Sensing Seminar , MMU, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Koo, V.C. (2000, November 16). Mobile Scatterometer Design and Construction. First National Microwave Remote Sensing Seminar, MMU, Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Koo, V.C., Chung, B.K. and Chuah, H.T. (2000, July 24 - 28). Calibration and field experiment of a C-band polarimetric scatterometer. Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu, U.S.A.
Tay, L.T. and Chuah, H.T. (2002, April 1). The Application of Radar Interferometry. Second National Microwave Remote Sensing Seminar, MMU, Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Tay, L.T. (2000, November 16). Radar Interferometry.First National Microwave Remote Sensing Seminar, MMU, Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Teng, H.T., Ewe, H.T. and Tan, S.L. (2002, April 1). Fractal Processing of SAR Image. Second National Microwave Remote Sensing Seminar, MMU, Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Postgraduate candidates
Ph.D. students
Chung Boon Kuan
Title: Modelling, Design and Construction of a Multipurpose Anechoic Chamber
Teng Tse Hzia
Title: Development of Fractal Geometry Based Method for Image Processing Applications
Koo Voon Chet
Title: Motion Compensation in an Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
Masters students
Chan Yee Kit
Title: Transmitter and Receiver Design of an Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
Gobi Vetharatnam
Title: Antenna Design of an Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
Azlindawaty Mohd Khuzi
Title: Digital Signal Processing of an Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
Yap Wen Jiun
Title: Design of an Airborne Platform for an Imaging Radar System.
Degree Conferred
1999: MEngSc. degrees conferred to Saiful Bahari and Koo Voon Chet.
2001: MEngSc. degree conferred to Tay Lea Tien.
Other Activities
The First National Microwave Remote Sensing Seminar was held on 16th November 2000 at Multipurpose Hall, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya
The Second National Microwave Remote Sensing Seminar was held on 1st April 2002 at Mini Electronic Theatre, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya
The MACRES-MMU Anechoic Chamber was officially declared open by the Minister of Science, Technology and the Environment on 1 April 2002 at Faculty of Engineering, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya
Member of Technical Evaluation Committee for Malaysian Centre for Remote Sensing (MACRES) Ground Receiving Station (MGRS), from 4 - 10 June 2001.
Member of Project Team for Malaysian Centre for Remote Sensing (MACRES) Ground Receiving Station (MGRS) System Implementation, since 12 November 2001.
Member of Evaluation Team for the Factory Acceptance Test of NOAA Satellite Acquisition and Reception System, 11 ? 12 March 2002, Irving, Texas, USA
Type of Collaboration:
Setting-up of GSM testbed in MMU.
To provide training to undergraduates and postgraduates on mobile GSM system.
To provide a platform for R&D activities in wireless and telecommunication.
To provide a platform for the development of Mobile Internet applications.
To become a training facility in mobile communication systems for working engineers.
Postgraduate Research Projects (MEng.Sc. and Ph.D.)
Final year projects
Detailed Description:
The GSM testbed is located in the Nokia Wireless Communication Laboratory, 3rd floor, FOE building, MMU. A complete GSM system, with subsystems listed below will be installed at the Lab.
Base Station Subsystem (BSS), which includes Base Station Controller (BSC) and Base Transceiver Station (BTS) ]
Network and Switching Subsystem (NSS) which includes Mobile Services Switching Centre (MSC), Gateway Services Switching Centre (GMSC), Home Location Register (HLR), Visitor Location Register (VLR), Authentication Centre (AUC), and Equipment Identity Register (EIR).
A complete GSM system is to be installed in Nokia Wireless Communication Lab, 3rd Floor, FOE Building for undergraduate and postgraduate training.
An introductory session of the facility has been conducted to the academic staff of university on 24 April 2002.
Trainings conducted:
29 - 30 December 2001: Testing and Troubleshooting Fault Cases in S9, Nokia Internal (Pco Group).
3 - 4 January 2002: FLEXIHOPPER Course, Nokia Mal Customer (TimeCel).
25 February ? 1 March 2002: METCOM Course, Nokia Mal Customer (TimeCel).
5 ? 8 March 2002: NSSSIG Course, Nokia Internal (Learning Ctr).
20 ? 21 May 2002: SERVTE Course, Nokia Mal Customer (TimeCel).
5 ? 8 May 2002: ULTOP Course, Nokia Mal Customer (TimeCel)
3 ? 7 June 2002: BSSOM Course, Nokia Mal Customer (TimeCel)
Type of Collaboration:
Sponsorships - research fundings and scholarships
Hardware/software support
Industrial trainings
Staff trainings
To promote and strengthen relationships between Altera and MMU
To sponsor research collaborations between Altera and MMU
Postgraduate Research Projects (MEng.Sc. and Ph.D.)
R&D output of academic and commercial value.
Detailed Description:
Since May 2000, MMU and Altera have been collaborating in various aspects. Altera has donated 10 permanent licenses of its state-of-the-art EDA tool and 45 development boards. In addition, MMU has received a research grant from Altera to sponsor graduates and undergraduate research projects. Also, Altera is providing industrial training opportunities for MMU final year students. MMU will conduct training to Altera staff. Proposal of scholarships for the undergraduate students is under consideration.
One Master's student from Altera has applied for his project "Design and Implementation of User Adaptive Neural-Fuzzy Controller".
Type of Collaboration:
Research and Development
To promote and strengthen relationships between Matsushita and MMU
To sponsor postgraduate research projects and constitute solid research collaborations that can be used further for Matsushita R&D.
Postgraduate Research Project (Ph.D.)
News On Demand Kiosk Network (NODKN)
Detailed Description:
The basis for News-On-Demand Kiosk Network (NODKN) is the ability to listen to news that is on the demand to the listeners. Basically, NODKN has two core functions, i.e. to
browse news header before listening to it.
tell an intelligent agent to seek for specific category of news.
The researcher involved in this project is Mr Azhar Kassim Mustapha.
MMU has benefited in the following aspects:
Short courses conducted
5 - 6 September 2001: Matsushita-Multimedia University Short Course Series (No.2): Digital Broadcasting System & Home Information Appliances Network. Dr. Kazuki Maeda, Mr Daisuke Iino, Mr Akio Higashi, Mr Junichi Hirai and Mr Takuyo Kogure, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
16 - 17 January 2002: Matsushita-Multimedia University Short Course Series (No.3): Digital Signal Compression & Description. Dr. Akiyoshi Tanaka, Mr. Takanori Senoh and Mr. Koichi Emura, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Research Fundings
Research Project: News-On-Demand Kiosk Network (NODKN) - RM200,000.00
Research equipment identified for further work. For the time being, the following components were proposed
Dell Server
Oracle Database with video input/update of video content
Notebook with TV/out
Panasonic Television
A Compaq desktop with a TV out
A few other items will be bought during the research. Purchasing processes for these equipment have started.
15 September 2001
Another researcher included in the research team. His name is Cheong Soon Nyean. He has a strong background in programming.
20 October 2001
Another professor included in the team. His name is Professor Madasu. He is an expert in artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic and neural network. He will be helping on the agent technology.
22 October 2201
A detail proposal of the whole system is completed. We identified that the research core technology is object identification from MPEG 4 video. Therefore the research team will like to request Matsushita R&D to:
Provide an expert in MPEG-4 for Object Identification Techniques
Make available software that is being used by Matsushita to encode and decode MPEG-4 video. It will be helpful if the software is able to give some kind of object identification functionality.
Provide some software simulation that incorporates BML authoring tools
1 November 2001
Mpeg-4 fundamental research started.
15 November 2001
Obtained an evaluation copy of MPEG-4 encoder kit and successfully encoded some mpeg-4 clip.
28 November 2001
Started with Arsdigita Installation on Linux server.
Receive local order from Finance to purchase desktop and laptop with TV output.
7 December 2001
Finalised master research proposal by Cheong Soon Nyean
31 March 2002
Progress report submitted to Matsushita.
15 April 2002
Three papers sent to international conferences and two were accepted.
Cheong, S.N, Azhar K.M. and Hanmandlu, M (2002, September 25 - 28). Web-based Multimedia Content Management System for Effective News Personalization on Interactive Broadcasting. Second WSEAS International Conference on Multimedia, Internet and Video Technologies (WSEAS ICOMIV 2002), Greece.
Cheong, S.N., Kam, H.S., Azhar, K.M. and Hanmandlu, M. (2002, December 3 - 6). A Web-based Collaborative Enabled Multimedia Content Authoring and Management System for Interactive and Personalized Online Learning. IEEE International Conference on Computer in Education (ICCE 2002), New Zealand.
30 May 2002
Matshushita R&D indicated that they will give funding of RM200,000 on a new research titled "Building Hardware Community Through Distributed Hardware Services". Please see file attached on the details of the topic. However, no black and white agreement has been signed yet.
1 July 2002 : Project start
30 September 2002 : Intermediate progress report (The Hardware and PC connection specification and the operation test plan)
31 March 2003 : Annual report (The operation test report and the Hardware and PC connection software)
Mid April 2003 : Demonstration of the operation test
Some Results for News On Demand Kiosk Network (NODKN)
System View for Content Management
To provide an efficient management of company resources, a task flow management is needed. Manager in a news publication company can use the Web Multimedia Content Management System (WMCMS) to create a workflow for a specific news case. This news workflow can simply be deciding who are the right journalists, editors, designer and so on in the process for producing a digital news article.
After creating a news workflow, manager needs to define the role or job scope for a particular employee.
Once the roles are assigned in a news workflow, the manager can start applying the workflow in the WMCMS.
News video clip will start playing once the user logs in to the news server, as shown in the figure above. In order to give more information to the client about specific news, a set of news link related to the current news video will be provided at the left site of the video. By clicking on the links, a new window will pop out and display the information requested. At the bottom of the client?s web browser, a basic control panel for playback of news video clips is provided. User can arbitrary chose to play, pause, stop or seek to a particular time frame of the video clip. For better viewing, user can choose to view the video in the full screen mode.
Future Plan
As mentioned earlier, we are in the middle of the coding process for full integration of the server end and the client end. We will use the excess money to further complete the system. The first working prototype is expected to complete in 3 months, and the advanced featured prototype is expected to complete in 6 months. The following needs to be looked into.
Integrating important SMIL features into WBCMS such layout, linking, media objects etc
Adding client agents for better client personalization
Download agent
Search agent
User Knowledge Capital
Manipulating users transaction such as downloading for broadcasting analysis.
We believe the research results would be very promising.
Building Hardware Community Through Distributed Web Services
Internet revolution has turned into an evolution. The next revolution is expected to be in the hardware technology and as such MMU/Matsushita can be the leading pioneers in the hardware revolution. Hence, I would like to propose "Building Hardware Community through Distributed Web Services". The research will enable a car to communicate with a petrol gas station, a canned product to communicate with a bacteria sensor, a DVD player to communicate with DVD store etc.
This research takes into account of human behaviour surfing the Net. If humans can benefit from the Net, why can?t the hardware reap the benefits too? Eventually, humans would enjoy all the benefits directly from the hardware surfing the Net. Hardware can be thought of general purpose digital electronic machine, such as radar, sensor, camera, barcode, handphones etc. The main objective of this research is to enable hardware to provide services. Therefore, the objectives of the research are:
Hardware getting information from the Net.
Hardware giving information to the Net.
Hardware getting services from the Net.
Hardware giving services from the Net.
For instance, bacteria sensors are placed in different locations of the world. We might use the bacteria sensors to detect bacteria at different locations of the world. Other parties might be interested to use the bacteria sensors too.
The bacteria sensors need to publish its services such as concentration of X bacteria at the current moment, humidity level of the ambience around the bacteria sensors and so on.
To use the services, the bacteria sensors will publish certain XML protocols be followed. Therefore, if there are two services provided by the bacteria sensors, there would be two XML protocols that will be published by the bacteria sensors. Another advantage is the manufacturer of the bacteria sensors is free to design the bacteria sensors the way they want. What they need to tell the world is how the rest of the world can use the services provided.
Type of Collaboration:
Research and Development
To provide funds to the Faculty to employ a full Professor
To conduct research and development in the field of Information and Communication Technology
To provide services and carry out other academic activities.
End Products:
Endowment Chair in ICT (2001 to 2006)
Detailed Description:
Received Penang State Government Professorship Chair for amount of RM200, 000.00 for the first year.
Subcommittees in Penang for Industry ?University Collaboration:
Material: Prof Tou Teck Yong/Assoc Prof Dr BS Teo
Electronics and Electrical: Dr Lee Sze Wei/Assoc Prof. Dr Teo Bee San
Academic and research collaborations in microelectronics studies, through a Professor Programme at MMU.
To deliver university-level course, focusing in Microelectronics
To promote and strengthen the relationships between MMU and AIC Microelectronics
To supervise postgraduate research projects and conduct research collaborations between MMU and AIC Microelectronics
To identify potential R&D areas for collaborative research between MMU and AIC Microelectronics
Postgraduate Research Projects (MEng.Sc. and Ph.D.)
Postgraduate Master Taught Courses (MEng.)
Joint development of electronics product
Detailed Description:
MMU have benefited from AIC Internship for final year engineering students.
AIC Microelectronics has initiated "Idea Competition on Automotive Electronics" in MMU
AIC Microelectronics has brought in corporate figures and professors from overseas to visit MMU and to discuss on possible development on (i) organic display devices; (ii) photonics components manufacturing, and (iii) short-range transceiver.
Status of Collaboration:
On-going. From 17/06/2002 to 19/06/2002, AIC Microelectronics brought together UiTM, University of Nottingham, MMU and Dr. Shiv from US for project discussion.
Global Distance Training System Project
The Global Distance Training System is a collaboration project between Multimedia University (MMU) and Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications of Japan (MPHPT), linking MMU to Tokai University (Japan) via Satellite and International Frame Relay, and utilising the Live Spiral system. The Japanese government has donated 22 personal computers, a plasma display, uninterrupted power supplies (UPSs), a laser printer, a satellite router, network router and a satellite dish.
The laboratory is open to staff and postgraduate students, whereby they can view Video on Demand lectures and also presentation materials (PowerPoint slides) on certain interesting topics. Besides the VoD and presentation materials, Tokai University will deliver some live lectures.
System configuration
The distance training system provides remote lectures through communications between the instructor terminal installed at the transmitting studio (Tokai University) and trainee terminals (Multimedia University) installed at remote classrooms. Broadcast function is used to transmit data from the instructor terminal to all trainee terminals. Video signal from the instructor is displayed on a large-screen TV and all trainee terminals.
Status of Collaboration:
Conducted two lecture series entitled:
Now and Future of Information Technology (October-December 2002)
Robotics and Mechtronics (July-August 2002)
Project stalled as of March 2003 and awaiting discussion between MMU and MPHPT representative.
To disseminate latest technical knowledge, industrial trends and issues in telecommunication technologies to the technical personnel of developing countries.
3-month training program for 10 to 15 participants from various developing countries at MMU
Detailed Description:
MMU and BHN have jointly organised a 3-month training program (August ? Oct 2001) for engineers and technical personnel of telecommunication industry in developing countries. The topics covered are: Highspeed and Broadband Networking, Mobile and Personal Communications, Multimedia Management and Presentation, Legal Environment of International Business, Management for K-Economy, Technical Communications.
Status of Collaboration:
Ongoing. Training program will be conducted annually.
Trained personnel for telecommunication industry in developing countries.
10 participants were divided into 2 groups, i.e. 5 in each group attended one common subject (Multimedia Management & Presentation), and 2 specialised subjects for each group.
Group 1 - Engineering: Mobile and Personal Communication Networks, High-speed Broadband Networks
Group 2 - Non-engineering: Legal Environment of International Business, Management for K- Economy.
List of participant:
Group 1:
Group 2
Mr. Sirojiddin Usmanov (Uzbekistan)
Mr. Nodir Mirzaev (Uzbekistan)
Mr. P.B.N. Manage (Sri Langka)
Mr. A.S. K. Seneviratna (Sri Langka)
Mr. Md. Mamunur Rashid (Bangladesh)
Mr. Abdullah Al Mahmud Faruk (Bangladesh)
Mr. Souphalak Mangnomek (Laos)
Mr. Bounlieng Southichack (Laos)
Mr. Batbold Dashnyam (Mongolia)
Mr. Ng Peng Chee (Malaysia)
Type of Collaboration:
Technical assistance from Japan to set up a satellite-based education system called Networked Multimedia Education System (NMES) in Malaysia.
To provide and set up necessary communication and audio-visual system equipment (ground side) at the participating sites of the NMES project.
To provide technical assistance through the dispatch of experts over a period of 4 years beginning July 2001.
To ensure that the pilot project is sustainable and therefore extendable to other sites in Malaysia in future.
To promote the widespread dissemination of ICT knowledge among the students in tertiary education institutions located at different parts of the country through sharing of lectures and training sessions over NMES.
A tele-education infrastructure together with the technical and managerial know-how and experience to run an effective satellite-based distant education system.
Detailed Description:
A team of 5 core members comprising of the project leader, co-ordinator and technical experts has been assigned from Japan since July 2001. System planning, design and installation have been carried between July 2001 and August 2002. Technical assistance that will be obtained from Japan are: