i) In 14 lecture-week trimester:
a) Maximum of 24 credit hours
b) Minimum of 1 subject
ii) In 8 lecture-week trimester:
a) Maximum of 14 credit hours
b) Minimum of 1 subject
Under probation status students are allowed to take:
i) In 14 lecture-week trimester:
a) Maximum of 18 credit hours
b) Minimum of 1 subject
ii) In 8 lecture-week trimester:
a) Maximum of 9 credit hours
b) Minimum of 1 subject
The students who are planning not to take any subject during a trimester must apply for Leave of Absence from the Dean.
Drop/Add facilities is done within the first two weeks of the new trimester.
Withdrawal of a subject can be done up to 2 weeks before the final examination.
New students can apply for a change of major within the first 4 weeks after the registration day. Existing students can apply for a change of major within the first 2 weeks of every long trimester. You have to get the academic advisor's recommendation before submitting the application to the Dean.
You can see/email/call the faculty AD if you need to ask any question regarding the Course Registration.