These guidelines are to help the students prepare their Final Year Project Reports. Any queries on matters not described in the guidelines may be forwarded to the supervisor or Dean.
2. Specification and Instructions
2.1 Cover
For project II
Three copies of the report are to be submitted to the Faculty :
The first copy must be hard cover and bound using PVC or other equivalent material. The sample of this cover is available in the library.
The other 2 copies may have soft covers. The soft cover copies must be bound using black comb binding. The soft covers can be obtained from the Dean’s Office. One copy will be given to the student later.
One softcopy of the report must also be submitted in a diskette.
The title, author, session etc. for the hard cover copy must be typed in capital letters and in bold gold. The minimum size for the letters is 5mm in height and the spacing should be as follows:
Title : 60mm from the top of the cover, centered
Author : 60mm from the title, centered
Name of University ("Multimedia University") : 35mm from the bottom of the cover, centered
Name of Faculty ("Faculty of Engineering") : immediately above university name, centered
Session : 35mm above the faculty name, centered.
The hardcopy cover must be in maroon.
The author's name, project title and session are also in bold gold on the spine.
2.2 Title Page
This page must contain the title that has been approved by the Faculty. Please refer to Example 1.
2.3 Paper
For printing of the report, use white A4 70 gram paper.
2.4 Corrections
Corrections must be made carefully. Pages that contain untidy/dirty corrections will be rejected.
2.5 Page Margin
For better binding purposes the minimum page margin will be as follows :
Left : 40mm
Top : 40mm
Right and bottom : 25mm
2.6 Spacing
Double spacing should be used in preparing the report , except for tables where single spacing may be used.
2.7 Font Size
Any font type and size can be used but they must be standardised throughout the report. The font type for chart, graph, diagram etc may be different according to the format and space. Only the 'letter quality' or 'near letter quality' printing will be acceptable (including map, diagram and graph).
2.8 Illustration Material
Original illustrations are preferred even if the size is larger than the A4 size, but the smaller scale copies are also acceptable. Black and white, coloured or photocopies of the illustrations are also acceptable.
Materials that are small in size should be pasted onto the normal A4 page with the library paste. Microfiche material should be put into an envelope and pasted to the A4 page.
Computer printouts should be prepared in the original form or as a carbon copy. If the original is too large, the size can be reduced up to 50%. For all materials, the minimum left margin is 40mm.
3. Format
The first part of the project report should be written under the following headings :
(a) Title Page
(b) Dedication - (if applicable)
(c) Abstract
(d) Acknowledgment
(e) List of tables
(f) List of diagrams
The earlier part is normally numbered with small Roman letters (please refer to Example 2) on the top of the middle of the page, 25mm below the edge of the paper.
The main part should be numbered with the Arabic number format and will be divided into a few different topics as listed below. If necessary, a topic may be distributed into a few chapters.
Every page will be numbered with Arabic numbers on top of the page and 25mm from the edge of the paper.
(a) Abstract
(b) Introduction
(c) Comments on Information
(d) Method of Investigation
(e) Presentation of Findings
(f) Discussion on Findings
(g) Conclusion/Recommendation
(h) References
(i) Appendices (if any)
3.1 Abstract
It has to be concise and clear and should present important details about the research, the research scope and conclusions by the student. The length should be between 100 - 200 words.
3.2 Introduction
This will cover the investigation topics, purpose of research, a summary of the parameters investigated. Definition of terms and symbols should be included.
3.3 Comments on Information
If the comment is short it can be combined with paragraph 3.1. Comments should contain critical preposition and discussion on the topic. Avoid reporting on any irrelevant issues.
3.4 Method of Investigation
This section should contain all the details of the research methodology. It can be divided into 2 types of thesis:
(i) Experimental Research
(ii) Theory Problem or Design
3.4.1 Experimental Research
The design and description of the equipment, measurement techniques including sources of errors and how to minimize them, materials and ways to produce and test the sample.
3.4.2. Theory Problem and Design
Detail description on the techniques used. Mathematical derivations which are too lengthy should be given in the appendix. This section should also contain the list of experiments conducted.
3.5 Presentation of Findings
This depends on the information that needs to be presented. This section can be put under paragraph 3.3 or 3.7. However if this topic is in a different section, it may alert the reader's attention to this important section faster. Results normally are summarized into tables, diagrams, and pictures. Raw data and larger computer printouts may be provided separately.
3.6 Discussion of Findings
This is the most critical part and should contain the following sections (not necessarily in the given order) :
(i) assessment
(ii) analysis
(iii) interpretation
(iv) research on comparisons
(v) comments
(vi) judgment or/and
(vii) conclusions
3.7 Conclusions and Recommendations
This section should follow section 3.6. All topics that have been discussed in (3.6) should be brought to a conclusion in this section. Additional discussion should not be added, and any undiscussed conclusions in (3.6) should not be presented in this section. Recommendations for further research or to improve the research should be presented separately and before the conclusion.
3.8 References
A list of references should be given and listed as in (4.7.5). Only reference material that had been read by the writer should be included as references (please refer to 4.7.4 for method of picking references)
3.9 Appendix
This section contains lengthy material which are not suitable to be put inside the main text, for example raw data, equipment specification and computer programmes.
4. Other Relevant Information on Report Writing
4.1. A thesis should be written with the intended group of readers in mind. It should have a logical flow with strong explanation to convince the reader on the conclusions of the thesis. It should be well written and should provide easy understanding. Excessive technical jargon and slangs should be avoided. As far as possible, statements should be supported by relevant and accurate facts, data and numbers.
4.2 The writer should be able to defend all statements by referring to reliable research work or research findings.
4.3 Symbols or nomenclature used should be defined. Standard symbols or acronym normally accepted in the Engineering field can be used. International System Unit (S.I) should be used. If you use other units, SI equivalent units should be given in brackets.
4.4. Equations and formulae should be typed clearly. Avoid using more than the necessary number of lines by giving alternatives, for example :
(y/x) = ax + b is preferred compared to :
- = ax + b
4.5. Diagrams can include graphs and figures. It can be numbered together or separately with photographs. Diagrams should be easy to understand. Every diagram should be numbered using the Arabic number at the bottom (if possible different for each chapter) and should be given an informative title.
Pictures should be pasted on the A4 page, numbered and titled.
4.5.1. Every diagram should have a relevant title and should be numbered.
4.5.2. Coordinate units (abscissa) should be written clearly in the graph.
4.5.3. All the data points and lines should be clear - generally it should not be more than 2 or 3 curves in every diagram
4.5.4. Types of different data points must be shown in a legend.
4.5.5. Every diagram should be referred and elaborated in the text.
4.5.6. The gridlines should be at appropriate intervals.
4.6 Tables of data or results - all tables should be numbered ( it is good if it is numbered separately for different chapter using arabic number) and should have titles. Both the number and the title should be centered above the table.
Reminders to students:
4.6.1. All tables should have a title and table number.
4.6.2. Columns should have appropriate titles.
4.6.3. All units should be clearly identified.
4.6.4. All tables should be referred to and elaborated in the text.
4.6.5. Columns can be numbered if the title is too complex. In this case, the elaboration should be given in the text.
4.6.6 Additional notes should be prepared if necessary.
4.6.7. The tables should be presented with the upper part facing the head of the page (portrait layout). If the columns requires the table to be read at the side of the page (landscape layout), the upper part should then be at the left side of the page.
4.7 Method of taking and listing of references
4.7.1. Common methods used are as follows: any one method can be used.
Method A
Inside the text : The formula has been used by Bungey (1974)
Inside the list : Bungey, J.H(1974) "Ultrasonic pulse testing of high Alumina cement concrete on site."Concrete, Volume 8 , No.9, Sept. 1975, pg 40-41
Inside the list the appropriate way is to list the references according to alphabetical order by the author surname or by year of publishing. If there is more than 1 publication in 1 year by the same author, small letter should be added, for example, Bungey (1974 a.), Bungey (1974 b) etc.
Method B
Inside the text : The formula has been used by Bungey(1) or the formula has been used by (Refer 1)
Inside the text : (1) Bungey, J.H., "Ultrasonic pulse testing on high Alumina cement concrete on the site."Concrete, Vol. 8, No. 9, Sept.1974 , pg 40-41
References should be listed according to the order it appears in the text.
4.7.2. For the Method A and of the first method of B, if the reference involved more than 1 author, it can be written in the text as: Kenedi and Gibson (for 2 authors) or Kenedi et al ( for 3 or more authors where Kenedi is the main author).
4.7.3. If you need to use references without reading the original paper, you will have to put the paper in the list. For example :
Kenedi, R.M. and Gibson, T. "Etude Experimentale des tension de la peau dans
le crops Humain. Systems de measure de forces et resultats" Revue Francaise de
Mecanique, 1962, Vol. 4, pg 121-128. referred to by Brown (1971)
4.7.4 The following are examples of the format required for reference of different types of articles :-
Books : Anti, J.M. and Ryan, P.V.S., "Civil Engineering Construction", 3rd
Edition , Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1967, 631 pages
Journal : Downs, R.B., "The Military approach to soil stabilization" the journal
of the Institution of Highway Engineers, London Volume XIX, No. 3
March, 1972, pg 19-23
Monograph : Body, D.M., "Flood Estimation". Water Res. Found of Aust. Bull.
No.4, 1959, 41 pages
Thesis : Marques, J.L.G.,"A study of anchorage capacities of confined bent-bar
reinforcement". PhD thesis, Rice University, Houston, May 1973
Conference Proceedings : Lea, F.M., "Cement Research :retrospect and prospect" in
Proc. 4th International Symposium on the Chemistry of
Cement , Washington DC, 1960 pg 5-6
Working Paper : Kuo, C and Sayer, P,"Education of Engineers in Marine
Technology", presented at the World Conference on
Education in Applied Engineering & Engineering
Technology Cologne German, 16-19 April, 1984
Standards : British Standard Institute, "BS 6000:1972, Guide to the use of
BS 6001, sampling procedures and tables for inspection by
attributes", London, 50 pages
5. Binding
For Hard Cover
1 blank sheet of paper should be put before the first typed page and another blank paper should be attached before the back cover.
For Soft Cover
For binding purposes, the title page should be put immediately after the front cover followed by a blank sheet. Another blank sheet should be attached before the back cover.
6. Making Copies and Submission
Only photocopies are allowed, and not carbon. If you use a variety of colours on your graphs, you have to submit the original graphs with the colours to the supervisor.
Deadlines of Submission
The last day for student to submit the 2 copies of the soft cover report is on the Saturday before the Project Seminar week. The official date will be announced and posted on the bulletin board. A hard cover copy and a softcopy (on diskette) should be submitted to the Faculty Office within one week after the Project Seminar.
Submit all copies to the Faculty Office. The hard cover copy should be in good quality printout.